Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Seven Sins : Lust



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Twenty lashes for penance.
And only bread and water, for three

"Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity..."

October 26, 2007 6:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First time visitor. Question : are you French ... or just someone who lives in Paris?

Why am I asking this? Your English is too good for a Française! :)

November 02, 2007 4:17 AM  
Blogger whisper said...

Welcome Julioan -- mysterious first time visitor. I am French, and I do live in Paris :P
Are Françaises not supposed to speak good English at all :P ?

Okay, okay, here's my secret : my mother's american. Why do you ask ?

November 03, 2007 2:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I said : just curious. I don't need to tell you about the French movie culture. Let's dub 'em all!

L'homme qui murmurait aux oreilles des chevaux? Yes, that's The Horse Whisperer for you.

I wanted a McBacon in a McDonald's in Paris, so I used my best French : "Bonjour, je veux un McBeycon, svp". The girl behind the counter looked at me and called for help. She wanted to hear "McBAKON" ... otherwise : no communication.

That's why I'm surprised (and delighted) about your English.

November 06, 2007 6:09 AM  
Blogger whisper said...

Okay, I admit : French are terrible at English, really lousy. They can't pronounce or understand anything properly, but that's what's cute about them ! Isn't it :p ? The cute French accent they are so proud of ?

November 06, 2007 7:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't get me wrong : I'm a big fan of the French. I was just amazed by your English. But : your mom's the culprit, so that's sorted out! :)

Nice photos, by the way. And I do mean 'nice'.

November 06, 2007 2:28 PM  
Blogger whisper said...

By the way, I keep explaining to French how English is a great language and they keep telling me how French is way nicer (the word that means anything...), but thanks for the great example of the Horse Whisperer :D

November 06, 2007 2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I keep explaining to French how English is a great language and they keep telling me how French is way nicer"
--> hmm, tough one. Both are beautiful to speak and listen to, but how can you compare 'em? English is a "Germanic" language, French is "Romance". And most French will add : "Yes, we do stand for "romance" ;)

Anyway, French is the second language in Belgium, so we're obliged to learn it in school. Still, my French could be better.

I do love our Jacques Brel. What's in your music collection? Mostly English or French?

Oh, and there are more priceless examples :) Les Dents De La Mer? Jaws! But a 'jaw' isn't a 'tooth'!

November 07, 2007 1:53 AM  
Blogger whisper said...

Well, I'm not sure that English is more beautiful, but it's more supple, there are more ways of wording sentences, there are words and expressions that are totally non tranlatable like "to gasp" ("avaler de l'air par surprise") "to poke" (tâter qqch du bout du doigt"), it's ridiculous ! Then again, my father (who's very French and very anti English language) pointed out to me that there was no way to say "mauvaise foi" in English, which is probably the best proofof mauvaise foi, pretending that it doesn't exist :D You have to day "insecirity, dishonesty", which isn't quite right.

Jaws... Hum, well there is a word for it but it really wouldn't sound great, mâchoires... You're in Belgium ?

And about Music, well I mostly do listen to American singers, though I also love Charles Aznavour and lots of other older generation singers ;) .

November 07, 2007 4:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"mauvaise foi" : never heard of it, but I can deduct ... mauvaise, as in "bad" ... and a "foi" is like a vow, right? There's something called "Voi De Niçois", which is a vow the people of Nice are fond of.

Your father's anti English? But he did find your mom? Funny :)

Yes, I'm from Belgium, but Dutch is my native language. We have to study French, English and German (or Spanish) in school.

November 07, 2007 12:12 PM  
Blogger whisper said...

Well my father hates the us, that's the big contradiction, isn't it ? They always argued about it. Then again, so many French people hate the us, and Bush, and the obese Americans...

Anyway wauvaise foi... Let me give you an example. When you know you're wrong about somthing, but you won't admit it, that's mauvaise foi. It's not the lie, it's the part about not wanting to admit being wrong.

November 07, 2007 12:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what??? did you say that french were "terrible" at english and were proud of that???? i'm not proud of my poor english, i'm not proud of my "wonderful and so cute french accent", i love france but i don't think that french is a beautiful language, english and italian are beautiful languages (though i've hated italian for three years at school....) so i just wanted to say that French may affirm they're absolutely fine with their poor ability to learn languages, but it's not necessarly true!!! well, i'm gonna let you think now about my splendid intervention!!

December 06, 2007 3:03 PM  
Blogger whisper said...

Almost no mistakes my little bruno :p :p
Personaly, I prefer german to english :) But Italian is a very beautiful language as well. :)

Now go back to studying your maths !

December 06, 2007 3:22 PM  

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